Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now That's the Life

I love that Tycho, our 13 lb. rabbit, no longer even bothers getting up before he eats. He just lays on the floor and cranes his neck into his food dish. We should all be able to take it so easy.


  1. I've seen that rabbit (almost) jump fences to get at the raisins he imagined were in my hand. But I guess regular food is just not worth the effort.

  2. Goldie takes her dog biscuits to her favorite spot, drops them, then lays down to eat. Comfy.

  3. our dog carries his dog food from his dog bowl, a few nuggets at a time, to the carpet and eats it there. Leaving stray nuggets and slimy pieces everywhere. Ack.

    I love that you have a pet rabbit. I so want one! They can be so much fun!

  4. Trust me, Jabba the Bunny is too lazy for fun.


  5. That's so funny. Thanks for the laugh!
