Friday, January 19, 2007

Celebrating, Suzanne-Style, Part II

It seems that I already wrote about celebrating Suzanne-style at some point (I suspect it was about drinking a lot of Diet Coke). I decided that I needed more structure and guidance in my year of writing and this afternoon I scored myself a writing internship, so I am very excited about that. I also sent off another personal essay that I have been working on since December (about being an inexperience sex columnist), so hopefully that will get printed. And Monday I should have another piece in the "My View" column in Metro New York.

Thus, I am taking the afternoon off to indulge in one of my favorite pastimes that I rarely take time for: cross-stitch. Seriously. Of course, I usually miscount the stitches at some point or do a row of the wrong color and fuck my craft up a bit, but whatever. The highlight of my cross-stitching talents was the Last Supper cross-stitch that I made for Steph a few years ago. I missed a row and so Jesus's head was a tad misshapen, but otherwise, I am very proud of it. One day when I get good at it, I hope to make my own patterns. They will say things like, "Home is Where the Sex Is" or "Eat Me, Asshole" with cute little animals in the background. Perhaps I could even do the CUSS logo...

Unlike knitting, cross-stitch is still only done by little old ladies. (The kind without tattoos.) Who says that I am not demure and lady-like?


  1. Will you teach me how?

  2. Don't go crazy. Don't go mixing the cross-stich AND the Diet Coke.

  3. Oh, Suzanne, cross stitch isn't just for little old ladies anymore! I'm glad that someone already pointed out Subversive Cross Stitch so I don't have's so, so very awesome!

  4. heck yeah, i'm not quite 28 & i've been cross-stitching since i was around 10. but like you, it's not something i often take time to indulge in, unfortunately. i was just thinking i should start something again recently, but the newly discovered social life is keeping me from my domestic duties.

  5. Mind if you teaching me cross-stitching? I'll score more ladies at the nursing home.

  6. I'm in my early 20s and I started cross-stitching very young, and one of my friends does it too. I was going to take it up again, but I noticed that all the most interesting looking patterns have already inked materials, so it's like adding texture to a picture. What a joke! Takes all the fun out of it, and it's probably way harder to screw up and harder to cover your screw ups! (I too have some issues with following patterns and counting stitches - I'm even worse with knitting - because I get distracted.)

  7. I've been cross-stitching for years. I love it, although I hardly have time to do it anymore.
