Monday, January 15, 2007

Igloos and Beavers

So last week it was in the 60s in Chicago. Today it is snowing. Tomorrow the high will be 15 degrees F. I guess the Bush administration will seize upon this return to normality as proof that there is no global warming. They have short attention spans and memories.*

Incidentally, one of the things I hate about global warming is that some would use it as a call to the cause of non-stop shaving. I mean, who needs body hair to help retain body heat if it is never cold? This is a chilling future for lovable fuzzy beavers and furry pussies. Where's PETA when it really matters?!?! Save the beavers, dammit!

*I did not see An Inconvenient Truth, but I think I read somewhere that global warming actually causes extreme weather. These unhealthy, sudden switches from unseasonable warmth to "normal" nasty cold seem to mark that in my mind.


  1. Whenever something is called "Igloos and beavers" I know that you wrote it.

    And global warming DOES cause the extreme changes. And hurricanes. Remember New Orleans?

  2. And it will be a lovely -4 tomorrow night. I MUST keep all my hair lest I have to pay ComEd or Peoples Gas any more of my hard earned buckage...

  3. I am a huge fan of not shaving my legs from Nov 1 until April 1. Global warming could really put a damper on that.

  4. So far I am loving global warming. We've only had one really cold day this winter.
    But, as a Canadian I think we should do everything possible to save beavers..

  5. You are really crass. I picture you as a chubby, homely, dark-haired foulmouth with no class or ladylike qualities. Grow up and get over your beaver already!

  6. The link between "global warming" (the s.c. (scientifically correct) term is climate change) and extreme whether is still being debated, especially regarding hurricanes. Just, you know, it's not a convincing way to show evidence of climate change, because it could turn out that climate change causes fewer hurricanes (I won't bore you with the science, especially since it's all pretty up in the air.) The only thing scientists seem to generally agree on is that the climate is changing, but what specifically will happen in each place, no one's really sure yet. Expect the unexpected, and scramble to adapt, in other words.
