Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The W-2 Saga Continues

I heard nothing back from the stupid fucks at my former employers about whether they would do anything about my request to fix my W-2 so that it was my actual address, not:
Suite 1800
New York, CA 94111
. I put in a call to the office and had the following surreal conversation:

Idiot: Yes, we filed an amendment to have it fixed.
Me: When can I expect it?
Idiot: When I get it, I'll overnight it to the office.
Me: (In my head: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO I FUCKING LIVE AT THE OFFICE? NO, THANK GOD i DO NOT!!!!!) Um, can you please send it directly to me? It is already significantly delayed.

Idiot: Well, I'm afraid it might get lost in the mail.
Me: (Losting patience) How do you think I got it in the first place? You overnighted to the office, where they sent it to my home after my real address was written on the envelope next to the little plastic window. I am suggesting that you overnight it to me, given that it is late and it is Idiot Fuck Company's* fault that it is late. You need to eat that $10 shipping charge.

Idiot: (Hesitating) I guess I could. But really, why do you need the correct form anyway? It's not like the IRS is going to know if you file electronically. You should file electronically.

Seriously. This is what the person in PAYROLL asked me. It seems that she does not know that a copy of my W-2 is sent to me after it is already filed with the IRS, and their records might find it odd when I fill out my forms (electronically or on paper) that I live in a non-existant town in a San Francisco zip code with no street address according to my employer records, but I claim to live in an actual residence in New York, and I only want to pay New York taxes. No, not a big deal at all, especially if I was audited.


  1. since you live in a non-existent address, you might as well not bother filing taxes... the IRS will never find you. i know, i'm brilliant, full of useful ideas, ha ha.

  2. I am so glad you live in San Francisco now. Can we meet halfway, in San Luis Obispo county, for some wine and fine dining? They have cheese there!

  3. Well, I just discovered from my credit report that I live at the offices of Countrywide Home Loans in Simi Valley -- at least it's not on my W2, though.

  4. I just got my second W2 from the month I still worked at the temp agency (which apparently I blocked out of my memory because I already did my taxes) and they spelled my name wrong AND got my address wrong. Not as big of an error as on yours, but still not enough to make me want to do anything about it (besides pretend it doesn't exist - don't tell anyone, k?)

    I hate everyone.

  5. I asked my employer to send my W2's to my home and they sent it to my work. I guess sometimes it feels like I live at work...but without a comfortable bed and a clean toilet.

    Suzanne, you might have to go to work and open a can of whoop-ass.

  6. Suebob, I wish I at least lived in San Francisco. I would love to meet you half way and whoop it up. But it seems that I live in New York, CA. That appears to be nowhere, so the fake town had to appropriate another zip code so no one would find out.

    Jane, I am seriously glad that I have no plans to visit No Cal anytime soon because I would probably wind up getting arrested...

    Des, you probably do need to have that fixed. I learned that the w-2 is submitted directly to the IRS in addition to you, so if you don't report it and they notice, you could have an ugly situation. Sigh.

    Count, I think your situation is actually scarier because it is sort of easy to fix my w-2, whereas credit reports are a special purgatory. Good luck! If it doesn't work out, you can move in with me in New York, CA and you'll never be found if thye come looking.

  7. the best way to handle this is take the in correct W-2 and fill in all the blank statements with "sucking dick". Send it to your old office and that should cover everything!
