Thursday, January 18, 2007

We're Half Way There

As I mention today over at People Under the Stairmasters, I learned something important this weekend: my iPod contains no Bon Jovi. It's funny how you never knew you were missing something in your life until Living on a Prayer comes on the car radio.


  1. I hear that song 105 times a day on the xm, plus "runaway" which is another Bon Jovi song that is not as fun.

    I never hear it at the gym though, because it's not considered "house dance music" for some reason.

  2. i definitely have some bon jovi on my ipod. young guns ii soundtrack.

  3. Sasha or teh Gorillaz. Now that's House Muzik.

    But a bit o' Bon Jovi is certainly good for the soul. {-;
