Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Setting Writing Records

I am starting to wonder if I can garner at least one rejection every day. This would be hard because I don't really send out that much material, but if I work at it a bit, I think I can achieve my goal. I can only hope that they will all be as enlightening and informative as the one I received last week, in which I was told my story would be funny if it ended with me becoming a nun, but not otherwise. You can't argue with logic and insight like that.

On another note, I have my second writing assignment from my internship. My first was a little round up of a number of plays on Broadway with two sentences synopses of them. This went well. The second one is to look at real estate and write about some neighborhoods. I am very excited about this and I think it will be lot o' fun, even if it is not the slightest bit strange or containing foul language.

I hope I do not scare the editors away with my enthusiasm. Although if I do, I can count them toward my daily rejection tally. Every cloud has a silver lining and all that.


  1. What could be funnier than nuns? This post makes me want to read the original story....REALLY want to read it.

  2. I'll email it to you later tonight. (I see your email is on your blog.)

  3. Suzanne,
    You a nun? That is funny. I never heard of a Baptist Nun before.

  4. Ready, set...rejection! I believe you will start getting some acceptances and checks in there, too.

  5. If rejection is your goal, does that mean you fail when you succeed?

    Whoa... I'm such a deep thinker.

  6. I would love to see the original story, too!
