Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sticks and Stones

Once in a while, I am surprised by the lack of personal attacks I get from anonymous commenters at CUSS. Of course, I don’t get many visitors, and about half are looking for porn and go away quickly without reading anything when they don’t get the pictures of “jewish pussy” or whatever else they seek. Thus my surprise to find the following (anonymous, of course) comment on Monday’s post called Igloos and Beavers:
You are really crass. I picture you as a chubby, homely, dark-haired foulmouth with no class or ladylike qualities. Grow up and get over your beaver already!
Yes, I am indeed rude and crude, and damn proud of it! Quite frankly, I find “ladylike qualities” to be highly overrated. Traditionally, “ladylike qualities” involved sitting around quietly, having no opinions, and looking pretty. Why the fuck would I want this? It seems boring and not fun at all.

Clearly, I am foul-mouthed. Whoop-de-doo. A lot of people assume that outspoken women are “chubby” and “homely.” A lot of people, however, are idiots, so this isn’t surprising. I am just rolling my fat eye in my hideous face, chuckling. I do find it intriguing, however, that being foul-mouthed is associated with being “dark-haired.” Doesn’t that sound a bit odd, even sort of racist or anti-Semitic? Seriously, are light-haired women somehow more ladylike? How fucked is that?

Classy people always spend their time chiding others and insulting their appearance anonymously, don’t they? (I always wish that these folks would mention how they came to be at my blog in the first place. Don’t you imagine it being something like, “I was googling those Victoria’s Secret undies with the little hole cut out in the back for easy anal access, and I found your offensive blog.”) I guess it’s why I lack such a fine quality. Well, so be it. I’m certainly not going to lose my much needed beauty sleep over it. Good night.


  1. Your last paragraph was great!

  2. The dark-haired thing really is weird. For some reason, that's what struck me most... Why would they assume? Blond=pretty=nice and virtuous? Odd...

  3. Do Victoria's Secret really sell panties like that LOL

    Seriously don't let the idiots get to you. I think that your blog is fine

  4. Suzanne,
    That was a good dress-down.... but I'm not sure "you told him/her a thing or two".... use used logic, which I am not sure that ego-maniac understand.

  5. You must be dark haired because you are pure evil. Although, I'm naturally blond (nice and perfect in every way) but I dye my hair to hide that.

    People don't seem to get that if you don't like something, you don't have to read it.

  6. Yes, it is the dark-haired ones you have to watch out for. LOL.

    ps You are cute as a button.

  7. i'm a redhead, so what does that make me?

  8. Those of us that know you in person know you are cute and even bubbly on occassion. And if I dye my dark hair light, does that mean I am fooling the world into thinking I am nice?

  9. I've been told I give a good blow job. That's being ladylike isn't? Oops, but I guess my brown headed self was just a bit crass. Oh who gives a fuck.

  10. "You're the vulgarian, you fuck"

    --A Fish Called Wanda

    and uh yeah, what the shit? racism classism fatphobia sexism AND anonymous trolling...

    "classy." yah-huh.

  11. I sometimes wish I had a favorite "type". It'd limit my opportunities for rejection.


  12. i should dye my hair darker, its not crass enough...

  13. most people are indeed idiots. ladylike qualities are definitely overrrated as are gentlemanly qualities ? i'm a man who doesn't give up his seat on the subway to women (or men) and prefers to avoid ladies with baby strollers in the event that they ask me for some sort of assistance, does that mean i lack gentlemanly qualities? isn't that much worse than being foul mouthed (which I also am)? if so, i don't want to be a gentleman, or even a man. i prefer to be a man-boy and i'm damn proud of it.

  14. Suzanne

    I picture you as crass, foulmouthed, dark-haired, voluptuous, and in posession of some excellent pussy. What could be more classy?

    I picture Mr. Anonymous, however, home alone with one hand in his pants, and one finger up his nose. Not pleasant, not classy.

    Off to the spa, dahling, and taking my dark curly hair with me.
