Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Happy 31st Birthday, Alex!

I've known Alex since we were young lasses in high school. We had many misadventures together, and I am glad that she is still one of my closest pals. Also, she has a seriously hillllarious blog over at Formula Fed & Flexible Parenting. Check it out and wish her a happy birthday after you stop rolling on the floor with laughter. The lady deserves it.


  1. Happy Birthday to her. She really has a cool blog. Check out my blog for loads of unique birthday gift ideas.

  2. Happy Birthday to her. She has a really cool blog( which I haven't visited yet, but I will)
    Check out my blog for no apparent reason as I have no unique birthday gift ideas.

  3. I was hoping other people would copy me, so I'm not the only jerk!

  4. Holy cow, Alex is 3 days older than I am! I love finding people whose birthdays are close to mine. I don't know why.

    Er, I mean, Happy Birthday to her. She really has a cool blog. Check out my blog for loads of random useless bullshit.

  5. Alex, right, *Alex*. I know no Alex, but I wiill say Happy Birthday to the non-Alex who I dooo know from high school. So, non-Alex, it's been a long time but I hope you're well and starting off the new year dandy.
