Friday, December 30, 2005

Attention, Attention: Bratz Dolls Wear Thongs!

Shocking, I know. My friend send me a clip of an ABC New Story about a mother who bought her kid some Bratz Dolls for Christmas. When her daughter looked under tthe doll's mini skirt, she was horrified to find that the doll had on a thong. The kid had the good sense to think that was nasty, though. Good for her, especially with all those reports that girls as young as nine wear thongs and g-strings. (Although who knows whether this is a real trend or one of those media scare pieces?)

Here's a question that occured to me as soon as I saw the piece was about Bratz: Why the fuck would anyone be surprised that the dolls wear thongs? Everything else they wear is inappropriately sexy, especially Bratz Babyz (my emphasis)? If you are giving your kid a hooker baby doll to play with, should you really be worried about protecting her innocence? Barbie's got nothing on these demented dolls. Yeesh.


  1. I hope the "girls as young as nine wearing thongs and g-strings" story is just that--a story. The other day, I saw a girl who couldn't have been more than 10 carrying a purse that said, "Dump him," on it. So where does childhood go? Is it supposed to end around the age of eight or something? I dunno, when I was 10, I still played with Legos and K'Nex and shit like that.


  2. Gap had thongs for babies/toddlers a few years ago - I kid you not. It was a cutesy gimmick, during the height of the thong frenzy. Don't know if Gap is still marketing them to little ones.

    I found a 2003 Time article about tweens that mentions the trend of wearing thongs:


  3. Ack, that link is supposed to be:

  4. the last part is thongs.html


  5. At least Bratz wear underwear. I bought my girls Fashion Fever dolls (Barbie's) and they wore no underwear at all. One ensemble was a big coat with fur at the collar and nothing else but shoes. I think Britney Spears designed that outfit! The girls laughed their heads off. Thank goodness they have about 100 Bratz dolls taht can share their garments with the Fashion Fever Barbie dolls.
