Thursday, December 1, 2005

Request for Stuffed Animal Lingerie Models

I am quite sure that Theo is not the only bear out there confident enough to step up to the plate and model undies when his human companion is too wussy. If anyone else has a plush friend eager to become rich and famous as a human-underwear supermodel (not a plushie - I don't want stuffed animal porn!), I would welcome his/her photos to post on this site. Please email them to me at Together, we can rival Victoria's Secret or Frederick's of Hollywood with the best underwear models on the planet!

As for Theo, he is looking forward to his next photo op when I return from Chicago. No more granny undies - only the good stuff!

(And I still have the granny undies because they are like comfort underwear. Or on days when I really can't have my underwear cutting off my gut and causing it to bulge out in two parts in a fancy long dress, underwear that literally goes under my bra creates a disturbingly smooth line. I know that sounds wrong, but it works quite nicely.)


  1. Your Theo may be some sort of perverse exhibitionist but there is no way in hell my sweet little Sally Bear is going to prance around in lingerie for all the world to see:) You've pimped your poor little stuffed friend. How do you live with yourself???????

  2. Steph...come on! Were living in a new millenium! Get with the times! Dont be Prudence McPrude, the Mayoress of Prudie Town. Let your toys show off a side that they probably never would! They only live once...well, actually you only live once, so you may as well enjoy it. I'm sure if Bo Peep from Toy Story had this opportunity she would totally take it!

    P.S. Suzanne...I dont get what you mean by this statement:

    If anyone else has a plush friend eager to become rich and famous as a human-underwear supermodel (not a plushie - I don't want stuffed animal porn!) You said you wanted a plush friend, which makes this so confusing...plush toy or no?

  3. d.t., I think she is talking about furries. :-)

    Human sexuality never ceases to surprise me...

  4. Oh, wait, I spoke too soon. I just did a goodle search...Plushies are something different, but equally bizarre & a little disturbing. Yuck. Sorry for the mixup. :-)
