Monday, February 13, 2006

Bill Cosby Never Hawked Frozen Treats Like This

At dinner on Saturday night, Husband, Dr. P, SM, and I were speculating about the various odd people who have fallen out of our lives.  Husband brought up two of our crazy friends who lived in a suite with a third woman.  Husband was friends with one person, and Dr. P was friends with the other person who lived in the suite.  Both women hated each other, but they were able to agree on one thing: their third roommate was completely disgusting.  

At some point, the third girl decided to make jizzcicles.  She bought a plastic popsicle mold with slots for six, and then systematically had six different guys fill a popsicle slot with his jizz.  She put a stick in each one.  She kept this in the freezer.  No one knew why.  No one used the freezer after that, either.


  1. Correction: The process was not so neat as to place Jizz in one of each of the six compartments. Based on the two accounts I heard, it was more of a smearing of whatever recent penile nectar was available into the cups. Thus the final product, if it was ever consumed, would have been more of a frozen jizz stew.

  2. Um, ew. That's all I've got.
    Though, now I have some idea of what to do with that ice cube tray I'm no longer using.
