Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dana!

Today is my sister's 26th birthday! The last few months have been on the unkind side (her mother-in-law died and then her cat got really sick), so I hope that this year is the best she's ever had. She deserves it - she's an awesome sister and a very caring person in general. Since I can't be there to celebrate with her (she lives next door to the middle of nowhere), I'm giving her this blog shout out and picture of the birthday "treat" that I received in the Dominicam Republic on my birthday:

I also sent her a CD and some chocolate that I bought her in London. Here's hoping for a great day with yummy cake to a great sister! (If anyone wants to leave her birthday greetings in the comments, I'll make sure that she gets them.)


  1. Happy birthday sister Dana!

    Hey, um, is that a dinner roll with an applicator tampon sticking out of it? Just checking...

  2. Dear Dana,

    Happy Bday & come visit NYC so I can meet you. Dora :-)

  3. It is a tampon in a dinner roll. My friend could not find anything else in the tiny town we were in the Dominican country, so she cleverly improvised. Fortunately, she chose to NOT light the tampon.

  4. happy birthday dana!!!!, Love, Paula

  5. Danie Banie,

    Happy Birthday! I haven't said that to you in years. But that's bc I haven't seen you in years. Not that that's an excuse.

    I'm digging myself into a hole...

    Ok, and happy Valentine's day. It's NEVER TOO LATE to wish someone a happy Valentine's day...

  6. Happy B-Day my little plop of diarrhea! (Note to outsiders: this is really a term of endearment.)
