Thursday, February 9, 2006

Yes, Virgina, There Is a Santa Claus

Every time I give up on people and contemplate moving into a cave (despite my dislike of damp cold), something great happens to remind me that there still are really cool people out there. I just had dinner with GynaGirl and Count Mockula.

As Gonzo (?) said in the Muppet Movie, “There’s not a word yet for old friends who just met.” I don’t think I could sum things up any better!


  1. Pleasure was all mine! You guys are sooo cool! Seriously, you like poo & you can discuss the effects of the fall of communism in Eastern Europe all in one sitting! Can't wait to visit you.

  2. No! I claim the pleasure as my own! Indeed, that rocked. So glad no one was a homicidal psycho jungle cat. I have to agree with you and Gonzo ...

  3. Wow...that musta been one helluva dinner!

  4. Hurray for the Love Fest! We listened to your CD on the way back this afternoon and enjoyed it immensely. I know that my cousin and friend Steph will also be highly entertained. Rock on!

    And DT - I have to admit this was all due to you!
