Wednesday, February 22, 2006

There's a Hole in the Bucket, or The Art of the Shit Bucket Test

Before I launch into Part II of The Shit Bucket Test tomorrow, I should note that the test did not entail merely crapping into the bucket. No, that would be too easy and far less messy than what it really required. Since the official purpose of the test was to measure the amount of shit that a stressed digestive system would generate as well as how much undigested fat was crapped out, the bucket had to be kept free of urine.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I know that when I take a big shit, my bladder almost always lets loose at the same time. Hence, during the shit bucket test, the key to keeping piss out of the bucket (dear Liza, dear Liza) was to place plastic wrap between the toilet seat and the bowl. Then I crapped onto the plastic wrap. (You’d be surprised at how well plastic wrap clings to the sides of a toilet. I wonder why manufacturers of plastic wrap don’t publicize this use. The commercials would be hilarious.) To avoid peeing on the plastic wrap or poop, I tried as best as I could to piss in a plastic 16 ounce cup while shitting on plastic wrap. Challenging, but doable, I assure you. (Maybe a future Olympic sport?)

After I was done with my bowel eruption, I’d lift the toilet seat and very, very, very carefully transfer the doody from plastic sheet into the bucket. The danger, of course, is spilling shit on the floor, or worse, yourself. Doody transfer is a definite skill, let me assure you. I am quite good at it. Perhaps I should add it to my resume.


  1. I'm telling you, traditional chinese medicine works wonders...


  2. LMAO...when I saw that there was a part 1 to this post, I had to scroll down and read it, and boy oh boy, am I glad I did! It sucks when bowels are involved, but to carry around your own feces? It's like a new form of public cant wait to read part 2!

  3. OH wow, you do talk shit! I had never noticed it before!

    Thank goodness this is not a test my s/o has had to deal with. Not good at all.

  4. Are you absolutely, positively sure that your doctor does not have a shit fetish? Did you ever torment someone in elementary school (who would seek revenge years later)? Do you have a dog, and if yes, how the hell did he react?

    I am on the edge of my toilet seat with this story. I emailed it to a friend who was having a shitty day, in hopes to cheer her up with a truly crappy story.

  5. Ha! Ha! I love Lucy's question about a dog. When I was little, our dog used to eat shit out of my potty chair if left unattended. Can you imagine Fido getting into the shit bucket and bounding around your house with a shit 'stache.

  6. Fortunately, we did not yet own Tycho the Giant White Rabbit, because I cannot imagine how gross it would be if he got into the bucket.

  7. Have you ever opened the 'fridge looking for some to eat and found a giant container of shit? I have.
