Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Sacramento, City of Excitement!

This afternoon, I headed over to Sacramento with three colleagues.  On the way, we had a rousing discussion about the evilness of thongs.  When someone started tailgating us, my colleague noted that he was “like a thong – riding up my ass!”

Before we checked into our hotel, we took a quick detour to the Sierra Valley Sacramento Medical History Museum.  It was a charming little museum with lots of interesting medical tools (including a jar of live leeches supplied by Leeches USA and a jar of live maggots!) and old medical furniture.  It also had an underlying smell of formaldehyde.  I think the smell made us light headed because under normal circumstances, I would never touch important historical artifacts and I am fairly sure that my friend would not encourage me to jump on an ancient gynecological exam table to pose for a picture…  (She’ll email a copy when the film is developed.)

Anyway, an hour later, we were all hard at work again.  Eventually we headed out to dinner to a restaurant on a barge called The Virgin Sturgeon.  The front of the menu recounts “The Saga of the Virgin Sturgeon.”  It seems that the first Virgin Sturgeon barge was very popular with Gov. Jerry Brown and his crew in the late ‘70s, but sank in the early ‘80s.  The second Virgin Sturgeon barge caught fire and burned to the bank.  We had the pleasure of dining at the third Virgin Sturgeon.  A group of young people celebrated the third Virgin by getting very drunk on the deck outside until one enraged guy started swinging a chair at another and nearly fell down the stairs.  Eventually the group broke up and we finished our tasty (and cheap) meal.

When we got to our car, there was a group of three people standing around the pickup truck parked next to us.  “Any of you know the guy sleeping in the back of my truck?” a burly man asked us as he smoked.  It was none other than our chair swinger.  We suggested he call the cops.  The other onlookers suggested that he try talking to Bob the Manager inside.  They got in their car, we got in ours, and the guy headed inside to deal with the situation, mumbling how lucky it was that he noticed the sleeping idiot before he drove away.  (Plot of Murderball, anyone?)  As we pulled out, drunk guy woke up and looked very, very confused.  We laughed and laughed.

So a good day in all.  I am most excited because I will be meeting up with the delightful GynaGirl and Count Mockula tomorrow (Thursday) for a night of tame troublemaking.  Hurray Sacramento!

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