Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Can't. Keep. Eyes. Open. But. Thanks!!!

Last night I was hit with one bad mofo case of insomnia. At first I wondered why my eyes would not shut when I tried to go to slepp last night. Then I realized that it was probably a very bad idea when I drank the remaining gallon or so of Pepsi One out of the two liter bottle at 11 pm since Husband was not home to stop me. Since I didn't fall asleep until 6:15 this morning, of course I had a really busy day at work. Then I went to a networking event with a friend (where I shocked myself by actually talking to people and having fun - I usually wind up in a corner by myself at these things). Then I went to dinner.

The point is that I am incredibly fucking tired and will collapse into bed any second, but I wanted to take a few seconds and thank everyone who voted for me in the Share the Love Blog Awards. I totally did not win (or even come in second), but I didn't really expect to make it into the finals in the first place. It means a lot to me that people like CUSS and it makes them laugh.

I know what you are thinking: blah blah blah. Brings a fuckin' tear to my eye. Not to worry: tomorrow I will be back to my usual cantankerous self. Until then, you have my heartfelt thanks!

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