Thursday, August 17, 2006

Elexa Licks Balls (and Not in the Way They Wish)

The very first time I saw an ad for , I hated it immediately. There is nothing that makes my blood boil more than companies who take a basic product - in this case a condom – and then package it and market it differently to men and women. Guess what? No matter who buys it – woman or man – it will be used the same way (including the possibility of water balloons or just plain balloons with spermicide – balloons hate sperm!). The hideous corporate need to squeeze every last fucking penny out of something by creating and then exploiting social differences between men and women drives me up the wall.

Here is their obnoxious blurb:
A Women's Perspective by Trojan®
Enjoy the freedom to focus more completely on the pleasure of intimacy. ELEXA™ is a premium line of sexual well-being products created from a woman's perspective and designed to help you realize a more fulfilling sex life.
(For the record, I copied this blurb exactly – it said “A Women’s Perspective,” not the grammatically correct “A Woman’s Perspective,” but perhaps was at fault, not Elexa.) As far as I can tell, it is just a fucking . What is the difference between Elexa and any other Trojan condom? What exact “woman’s perspective” are these advertising nutjobs talking about? Oh, wait. I see. It is a pretty box... Women, if you are too fucking self-conscious to buy a regular box of condoms, I suggest that you are probably not mature enough to be having sex in the first place. Grow the fuck up! Just because it is in a “pretty” or “sexy” box does not mean that you are getting a better product.

Even more annoying is that when I looked up “Trojan” at, it only lists regular Trojans, although Elexa is made by Trojan. To find Elexa by Trojan, you must specifically type in Elexa. (I guess they didn’t want to scare the manly men away from their condoms, lest they see the special boxes and get worried that they are buying something from a "woman's perspective.") I looked it up so that I could compare prices, as I was certain that Elexa condoms would cost more than the same condoms in non-pretty boxes. I was wrong, but only because discounts Elexa at a higher rate (19%) than Trojans (13%-17%). Actually, the prices are very close, and sometimes Elexa costs more without the discount, and sometimes Trojans do. Very interesting. For example, sells both Elexa and regular Trojan packages with a vibrating ring and condom for $9.99. Elexa Stimulating Lubricant are $9.99 and Trojan with “Warm Sensations Lubricant,” which I assume is the same thing or similar enough – I mean, how many random sensation lubricants can they have? – are $10.49. Both types come (or at least that is the plan, wink wink) with 12 condoms. Trojans, however, are available in a economy pack of 36 for a mere $17-$19, while Elexa max out at 12. I guess women are just getting it less often. (If you need more than 12 at a time, you must be a total slut!) Whatever.

However, I tried very hard to like Elexa. Sure, it also annoyed me that the mere creation of condoms from “a woman’s perspective” seemed to once again put the onus for protection on women, as usual. (And, yes, it is smart to be prepared, but don’t fuck a dude who can’t even be bothered to pick up some dick socks, no matter how damn hot he is. Is that not the ultimate sign of laziness?) They are not charging women more to buy condoms than men, as so many products get away with. Most important, Elexa is a sponsor of BlogHer. I love ! They have many talented women writing on their site and even let little old me write things for them. Elexa also has its own blog, in which they hired some really great women to write for, even if it has the most gag-inducing title in the world, Sexy Smart. The women who write for it are honest and funny and full of great information. Just because it is corporate-sponsored, should I dis it? Also because its logo is an anorexic white chick in a dress with the front slit down to what would be her belly button except that she has the longest torso ever and a skirt that would be cootie-exposing on any real woman? No! I tried to keep an open mind. It is good, I told myself over and over.

What threw me over the edge into hating Elexa forever was their attempt at BlogHer swag. All of the attendees received a free t-shirt. This would be cool except that usually, when companies give out free t-shirts, they give out ones that are size large so that a wide range of people can wear their ads proudly. Short people like me can just cut the bottom of the shirt off or opt to wear it as a dress. Tall people can wear them without exposing their midriffs. Thin, overweight, and in-between people can all partake in the group t-shirt experience. It is good.

Elexa, however, only distributed very fitted tees in a size small. I heard many, many women complain that this shirt did not fit them, and was something they could ever wear out in public, if at all, because it was so ridiculously small. Thus this strategy indicates to me is that Elexa only wants a particular type of women to be seen in public advertising their product. That type of woman should resemble as much as possible the stick figure that is their logo. Everyone knows that fat women cannot possibly be sexy, right?

Fuck you Elexa. You are neither Sexy or Smart, which is a major bummer because the blog, once you get past all the pink and purple (a color scheme obviously chosen for its femininity), is pretty damn good. You almost had me in your evil corporate-profit-increasing clutches!


  1. Shirt thing...very annoying. Advertising the same freaking product to men and women with different package...most frustrating. BUT, I feel that condoms need to be advertised better so that people will be enticed to buy them and use them. The condom section at Whole Foods is enough to make me want to be abstinent (and that's hard to do). It's boring. And I try to be conscience of when the media has gotten to me and I try not to give in to gimmicks, etc, etc. Not saying that I agree with this company's stick but I think the only time I accept this form of advertising is with condoms. We're loosing the battle with HIV prevention. I don't think advertising condoms like this will win the battle...but I'm totally rambling. I hope I made some sense?

  2. Ok, I was gonna make a comment about the product packaging thing, but Suzanne...I love how you're taking a stand against Elexa. I love how, even though you're a fan of BlogHer you're not a fan of their sponsors. It's like, when you say you dont like something, you dont like something and you wont make excuses. To me, it's nice to know that there are some out there that still have morals.

  3. I'd've said "principles" rather than "morals", but actually find I like it the way d.t. said it. Is different and works.

    it said “A Women’s Perspective,” not the grammatically correct “A Woman’s Perspective,”

    That does work, but it assumes that "women" and "men" are singular entities. They're each a singular "group" as in a "flock" of many individual sheople.

    The thing that I don't like about it, is that it's an attempt to bypass the fact that each individual woman is not going to share the exact same perspective as All Women. "Women" (and men) have an extraordinarily wide range of opinions on sexuality.

    While I'm sure the Chicago School of Style would also find their usage somewhat gauche, it would none-the-less include a brief explanation of why it's used.

    All that bein' said, your complaint still rings solid, AND I too am none-the-less glad to see ANY increase of Condom advertising. There's a far greater need for such than for all those Propecia and Viagra ads they show during sports programming...

  4. so is the box pink or what? I only buy pink condoms. Especially female condoms (the inside kind).

    Actually I don't ever have to buy condoms (yay monotany!) but if I did, I wouldn't buy these. Or Magnums, either. Regular condoms can fit over a person's head and be blown up by their nostrils. You don't need anything bigger than that.

  5. Hm...vibrating ring...I'm off to the drugstore. Do you think I can make it work WITHOUT a man involved?

    I do like the idea of a less rubbery-smelling condom. That latex smell is so gag-worthy. But I don't see why men wouldn't appreciate that as much as women.

    Suebobian story: I walked into a drugstore and the woman asked "Can I help you?" and I said "Yes, I need condoms." She said "Wow, no one has ever come in and asked for them before. Most people wander around looking and won't ask for help." Funny. So much shame.

  6. I have no idea why I would want a warming sensation in my girlie places. I mean, that's like a chemical slightly burning it, no? I hate the idea of marketing condoms to women with the use of pink and purple, instead of ACTUAL thought and effort into the product. It still smacks of things men want to see happen to women (i.e., a "hot pussy" or his "throbbing cock in her."

    Did they even talk to women about the product.

  7. Hey Suzanne,

    It’s me, Logan. I know that you are disappointed with some of what you’ve read or heard about Elexa, but I want to fill you in on some things. First, I certainly understand where you are coming from. On the surface, I can understand why you might think that Elexa is merely a packaging/marketing strategy. However, I want you to know why I got involved with Elexa in an effort to allay some of your concerns.

    When I heard about Elexa, I jumped at the opportunity to be involved with its launch. When the makers of Trojan heard the staggering statistics about how many women were NOT using condoms (i.e. The CDC reports that women are twice as likely as men to get an STD and that only one in four sex acts involves a condom), they actively pursued studies to determine why. Through interviews with 5,000 women (from all walks of life), women told researchers that they didn’t like the smell, how they felt, and didn’t like shopping for them in the traditional condom aisles. (And believe me, I know that if you are ready to have sex you shouldn’t be uncomfortable buying condoms, but unfortunately, that’s a hurdle many women can’t get over). So in an effort to better the condom experience for women, Trojan came out with Elexa – a suite of sexual health and sexual pleasure products – all to be sold in your mass retailers in the feminine care aisles – yep, with the tampons.

    But the concept was bigger than that. Elexa was created with the needs of women in mind (based upon what thousands said in their interviews) - lower latex odor, better lubricants (designed to work with our natural body chemistry), intimacy products to enhance the experience (like the vibrating ring – which I do love), discreet packaging (packaging that was tested with women), and a spot in the feminine care aisle (though not all retailers put it there – but that’s a whole other story). So please don’t think that I am being defensive. It’s just that I feel passionate about Elexa. Trojan didn’t have to sell to women – women can already buy Trojan products. But what I loved best was that they wanted to make a difference. They cared enough to make the effort.

    Okay, so I think that I’ve probably said enough, but if you want to chat about it more send me a message or comment at the Elexa SexySmart blog, . No matter what, I do respect your opinion and your willingness to be so candid.

  8. I think Logan and Jane both make excellent points that whatever gets women to use condoms is a very good thing. Really, I am more sad that women are more or less the idiots who respond to gendered marketing.

    As an aside, when I see them in the pharmacy, they are up with the regular condoms. So if the point is to put them with tampons so women will feel more comfortable, someone needs to do some outreach.

  9. You are definitely right. Unfortunately, the drugstores don't always pay attention to the big picture. Though I must say, I am one of those people who speak to the manager when Elexa is in the wrong aisle, but that's just me - and my dad, he does it too!)
