Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Snatch Temple and Howard Stern strike again

Yesterday, I opened up my little statistics page and was shocked by a sudden spike in visits to CUSS. Mere moments later, I realized that it was again due to the infamous site, It seems that is again talking about Snatch Temple, which according to my own google investigation, is “where pussy is worshipped through acts of sexual…” Intriguing! I want to know more, but the link to the site brings you to nothing. Just a tiny message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, noting, “This is exploreweb site.” Bah! Thanks for the info.

What is really cracking me up, though, is that the Campaign for Unshaved Snatch shows up as the first item in the google search. Poor horny Howard Stern listeners are excitedly clicking on the link, only to find that the site contains a single pussy pic of a less arousing nature (unless of course the picture of a Siamese cat with a yarmulke is someone’s fetish - who knows what desires lurk in the hearts of Howard Stern fans?), lots of bitching about sexism, and some random amusing stories. I’m guessing this is not what they had in mind.

If you are one of those people searching desperately for the real Snatch Temple, can you please take a moment and leave a comment here? Are you disappointed by what you found here, or did it turn out to be a pleasant surprise? Would you return for more insightful commentary on the irritating ways of the world? Just curious.


  1. Ok, I'll admit. Before I even finished the first paragraph, I was already opening a new window looking for Snatch Temple...only to learn that the site doesnt even exist! Guess, I should have just finished reading the first damn paragraph, because, reading anything from Cuss & Other Rants is just as exciting and entertaining!

  2. That's why I'm here. Howard Stern made me do it.

    And cats are hot.

  3. I was very disappointed that the site was not working either. Maybe I'll have to create yet another blog... Very tempting.


    Joking. I love you just the way you are.

    And I think it is HILARIOUS about the goodle search. Perfect.

  5. Suzanne, there was a website there a month ago, and I thought it was pretty cool. It was even updated recently, but it's gone now. I emailed Howard Stern Show to ask about it, The girl Misty has been on the show a couple of times and I thought was very ineresting. Maybe if more people emailed The Howard Stern Show and asked about it we could find out whats going on:Tengallonhaton

  6. The woman beine "snatchtemple' is a crack pot. She is from Missoula Montana and you can read her stupid rant here.
    Also, she is not hot , smart or even interesting. Please read for yourself.

  7. snatch temple does not exist anymore Misty is a low life psycho prostitute but she is kind of hot but she looks like she put her implants in herself...anywhoo maybe she got aids or something I am sure she will be back on the howard stern show soon.
