Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My friends on Jeopardy!, baby

In the past few years, two of my friends have appeared on and a third one is heading to at the end of September to tape at least one show and hopefully more. When my friend told a mutual acquaintence of her plans to head West to find her fortune, he suggested that she and my other lady friend only appeared on the show because Jeopardy! is in desparate need of chicks to fill their airtime. (Yes, he is always a fuckface.)

I know that this suggestion should rankle and annoy me, but instead I want to run out and audition for Jeopardy! myself. Sort of sad to take advantage of sexism this way, but who cares when fame and fortune await?!?! Who's with me?


  1. Me! Me!

    I auditioned for jeopardy once when they came to Sacramento. I missed it by one question, and I got a weird Alex Trebec story out of it.

    I'm soooo ready to try again.

    @$#&^ Waldorf salad. Sure, I know that now.

  2. I think you, me and Des could go head to head. Though I would suck at TV questions.

  3. i'm better at dumb triva rather then smart triva but I'll totally go!

  4. Great! We can room with Suebob, right?

  5. I would be awesome at Potent Potables, but I suck at History. Just out of curiosity, is the title of this post a reference to a 20 year old Wierd Al Yankovich song?
