Saturday, August 5, 2006

Where the Fuck Did the Summer Go?

Am I the only one who cannot believe that we are already five days into August? Where the fuck did the summer go? I have yet to accomplish anything I set out to do. Bah!!!

Last Saturday, I was attending several interesting sessions on blogging about sex and about revealing personal information on your blog at . I can’t believe that a week already passed. Next year, the conference will be in late July in my hometown of . Deep-dish pizza and other delicacies will abound.Next week at this time I will be at the , eating loads of junk food (which I need about as much as I need another giant hole in my head), and most importantly, viewing the . The same woman has been sculpting the butter cow for over 40 years at the fair. A few years ago, for her 40th anniversary at the fair, she also sculpted an entire Last Supper out of butter. Man, I would have loved to see that.

Once I return from Iowa, I am not going anywhere. I swear. Unless, of course, some super amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity comes up, my ass is parked in NYC for all of September, not counting day trips. October is the North Carolina State Fair, and I am heading down there to see good old Steph and my friend who is moving there from Israel and eat lots of fried junk food. (Why is it that my travel focuses so much on eating?!?)


  1. road trip to good ole delaware, yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


  2. I thought the same thing this morning - what happened to the summer? The days are already getting shorter, and that pisses me off! If it wasn't for the bugs and corrupt governments, I would move somewhere equatorial and have the same day length year round. Or maybe I should spend summers in Canada and winters (our winters) in Australia..

  3. I always think summer ends at 4th of July. Boo. But, I LOVE the Iowa state fair and the butter cow. Did it in 1999 and it was one of the best trips I ever took!
