Friday, August 25, 2006

Hey Brother, Can You Spare Some Common Decency?

My colleague and I headed into the on our way home from work last night, only to be confronted by a nattily dressed man standing about ¾ of the way down the staircase. “Can you give me a dollar so that I can get home tonight?” he barked at us as we began descending the stairs. “Sorry,” I said politely.

This did not deter the snappy . “Can you spare a dollar so I can get home tonight? Just a dollar?” He waved a handful of bills at us as we got closer, which made me wonder why he needed another since the subway is only $2 and it is possible to transfer to a bus for free. “Sorry,” I said again. He continued to block the stairs, so my co-worker and I proceeded single-file.

As I passed by him, he bellowed, “Aren’t there are good in this City who love Jesus?” I’m unsure what this had to do with anything, as I doubt he was (he was too well dressed), and our denial of funds to him seems to me to be unrelated to our goodness as people. I cheerfully replied, “Not me!”

“No wonder why September 11th happened here,” he sneered.

Wow. I highly doubt that I could even come up with a more offensive response.


  1. ouch.

    My response: tell the MTA guy that the nattily dressed man is harrassing people. Then he'll have to find somewhere else to be offensive.

  2. I think a well-turned Holocaust or slavery remark could have been as offensive. Not that that's the kind of thing you should be going for. I'd have come back with something his-mom related, but that's just me.

  3. If all the Christians would act like Jesus instead of just talking about him, imagine how people would see Christianity!

  4. Wow.

    That's all I have to say. Just wow.
