Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New Unshaved Snatch Debate and Sticker Promo!

While I researching something for a BlogHer post that I am working on, found a link to a debate about unshaved snatch (All the guys I'm dating want me to shave down there - Doesn't anybody like the full bush anymore?) over at Salon. (Unless you have an account, you'll have to view an ad before you can read the article and add your voice to the debate.)

This is the perfect opportunity to preview my new Campaign for Unshaved Snatch (CUSS) stickers.(Thanks to Tara Lynch for her awesome design!) They are being printed as we speak, so if you want some, email me at cussandotherrants@gmail.com and let me know where to mail them.

Pro-bush, but anti-Bush! Resist the mass of hairless lemmings!


  1. they are great!!!!!!!!!!!1

    hurry and send one so i can put it on J's bookbag before the first day of school,hee hee.


  2. I want one. You don't have to mail it, as we live in the same city. I imagine we could figure that one out.

  3. omg! it's the best sticker EVER!

  4. you are one lucky girl suzanne...tara is probably the best illustrator of her generation. but i am biased cause she is one of my close friends.
    this sticker should be blown up to the size of a billboard and placed on every major highway across the nation. i think it would make a road trip that much more enjoyable. i am also so glad that tara did this for you, cause i now read your blog almost everyday. you are pretty funny- as a former trevian (born in the same town as theo), then a former new yorker, i get almost all of your jokes! :)

    anyway, thanks for the laughs and the lessons during my lunch hour!

  5. Hey Lesley -

    How funny! What year did you graduate? And, I agree that your friend Tara is the best. I am so glad that we linked up.


  6. Hahahahaha that is so completely excellent, and cute, too! I met a nurse who was telling me that so many women have no hair at all and that it is not only bizarra - we knew that - but they get all sorts of infections without the protective fur.

  7. i graduated from NT in '95. When did you? I also have a sister that graduated in '92...
    After going to school in ohio for 4 years, i headed out to NYC to test my fate in the fashion world. I lasted almost 4 years there and not long after sept 11, decided to head back to chi-town. i went back to school for graphic design and have been here ever since. i met tara in design school-she's like a little sis to me. she is so SUPER DUPER talented...if you are interested, you can find me at www.lesleyhstern.com

    the pussy and the beav have become my desktop picture at home. i cant get enough...it makes me laugh out loud every time i see it.

  8. Must. have. stickers. Just let me know how much they are and money will fly through the postal system to you. Or through Paypal's servers. Whatever, don't care, want stickers!


  9. Stickers are free! My feeling is that if you are goodly enough to want to have them, you should be given them. Again, I'll need your address if you want them, so email me (the address is on the post), and I'll send them as soon as I get them next week. thanks!

  10. I love the stickers. I shall be emailing you for the lovies!
