Thursday, August 17, 2006

Getting (Un)Shaved at Salon

Not that I have not said this about 7,564 times in the last week, but people are fucking crazy! Have you seen some of the insane shit that people are saying about snatch over at Salon?!? There are over 330 comments regarding the etiquette of asking your girlfriend to shave her crotch. (Of course, I added my two cents and encouraged people to join the Campaign. As far as I can tell, my offer has gone unaccepted! The nerve...) For example, here is this brilliant insight from “Married Guy:”
I believe it's about personal choice. So if you want to have a hairy vagina - go ahead - but ask yourself why you don't have a hairy face too.
Why don’t I have a hairy face? (Actually, I kind of do, but that is beside the point.) Um, because it is not typical for grown women to have huge bushy beards and it is typical human development for grown women to have “hairy vaginas?” Where did this guy learn biology?

Oh, help me:
You wouldn't dump a guy who asks you to put your hair up instead of wearing it down. Why dump men who prefer a closely groomed pubic region over a haphazard, wild bush?
I love how this anonymous guy equates putting my hair up in a pony tail with having hot wax poured on my crotch or scraping a razor blade over a sensitive area. And I actually might dump a man who kept telling me how to wear the hair on my head. If he doesn't like my style, he should find someone else who fits his ideals a bit better. (Fortunately for me, Husband seems to find my dowdiness endearing.)

From Player:
Asking a woman to shave can be a very mild dominance game. The last time I played that game was a number of years ago -- long before it became a fad…Each of the times I tried it, I found that the woman became incredibly aroused and preoccupied with sex for weeks. (You have to be careful what you wish for).
Thank goodness its just about domination, not about making women resemble 9 year olds or accusing them of being dirty and smelly. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that S&M is bad, but this just sounds creepy and fucked up.

Here is an equal opportunity shaver:
My answer to Cary is to get rid of it all! It's gross! I'm a guy and I shave ALL the hair off! It's effin' gross and unsanitary. I've shaved and had lazer done on my bush/now not a bush and have no regrets. Cleaner and more erotic, to be honest. For sure I prefer bush-less women! (not to get political-but pun intended!). In Portland here the big fashion craze is shaving it ALL OFF both guys and gals. The alternative newsweekly here Willamette Week even did a cover story on it awhile back, naming all the hip places to be de-pubed.
I respect Slamboni for putting his money where his mouth is, so to speak, and also for his anti-Bush joke. Yet I cannot understand where people get the idea that pubes are unsanitary. It is quite the opposite. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a thousand times: pubes are like eyelashes for the genitals, keeping the bad things out.

Also, should you really toy with Mother Nature just cause it is “the big fashion craze?” I’m only 30, but I’ve seen many fads come and go. Permanently removing pubic hair with lasers seems like a very draconian solution. What will Slamboni and the others do if big bush (not big Bush) comes back in style? They’ll be left behind, naked and cold.

So sad, but to end it on a high note, I’ll quote thekiti: “…if you're that concerned about Big Bad Germs, don't ever kiss anyone. The mouth is filthier than the genitalia, by far.” You tell it to ‘em!


  1. the people who remove pubic hair permanently are also the ones who either have already, or seriously cosidered removing a little toe for fashionable shoes. Notice we don't see the pointy shoes as much. Will people who permanantly remove crotch hair with a laser then need to start taking crotch rogaine to regrow it? I can't wait to see the commercials.

    Also on first dates and new relationships, do people ask each other about religous convictions, political standing and crotch grooming? She was the girl of my dreams, but she was hairy down just wasn't meant to be.


  2. I would totally dump a guy if he always told me to put my hair in a ponytail, or shave, or dance on one foot in a mall foodcourt. Without a doubt.

    I love this line: "(Fortunately for me, Husband seems to find my dowdiness endearing.)"

    Amen for normal guys.

    Seriously, this is a fashion thing? I had no idea anyone cared that much. I have tried said shaving once, just to see, and my body hated me for it. Hated me to the core.

  3. yes, not to worry. there are definitely normal guys out there that do not prefer the bare-naked bush. one day my man asked me very politely to grow it out. he told me her preferred it longer and wild. :) i knew right then that i was going to marry him.:)

    i used to wax- not only was it super fucking painful, but it created these disgusting ingrown hairs that made me think i had some sort of disease. i went to the dermatologist and he told me (this is a direct quote) "thats what will happen to you when you do something so barberic to your skin- it retaliates." so then i endured the shaving and purchased myself a $40 bottle of tendskin- its supposed to get rid of ingrown hairs...its rubbing alcohol, so dont waste your money...

  4. It is barbaric. I am a baby boomer who got older, who remembered when women got liberated from shaving their underarms and legs... Now insisting that a young woman get a pubic shave is giving women one more thing to do...instead of becoming Rich which is a good goal, because then they don't have to depend on men (who may abandon them and their children)...Girls are encouraged to become hairless and "beautiful" or "desirable" to men. This is sick. Teach your daughters to earn a living, a very good living, because if she does not, being hairless will not be good sufficient once she is older....remember youth and beauty fade

  5. Yeah, I'm a man...

    I know that sentence isn't going to get a lot of the women in this thread to like me, but I've got to say this.

    My current girlfriend who I love so very much and I'm incredibly attracted to only has one flaw: she doesn't shave down there. Not only is this extremely unattractive to me but I sometimes feel like I'm just licking hair! It's disgusting. But I do it anyway because I love her and I see from the women posters in this thread that it's somewhat important as a successful woman to have an incredibly unattractive vagina that will make most men feel like they're licking a cat. (Pun intended :D).

    Sorry to offend any women who think that being hairy makes them feel more empowered and desirable.

  6. I love to be cleanly shaven and the man that I love wants me to have a bush -

    I feel if you love someone you should except them as they are. I want to be smoothly shaven.

  7. Closely groomed does not necessarily mean shaved smooth

    keeping your pubic hair nicely groomed is just as good , if not better (not to mention more hygenic), than shaving

  8. I can't believe some of the things these men said. I WOULD dump a guy who told me how to wear my hair all the time, and I WOULD dump him if he wanted me to shave. I trim my area. IT feels so weird when I try to completely shave it. Very unnatural. So it's not a bush down there, but it's still covered. Recently, I had a guy eat me out. It was the best oral sex I'd ever received in my life! He was vigorous down there, and I was trimmed, as I always am. I'm glad to see some guys don't care and go at it to please the woman, regardless of her hair down there. Women have had hair down there since the beginning of human kind, how are guys going to tell us that it's gross and unsanitary?

  9. I can't believe some of the things these men said. I WOULD dump a guy who told me how to wear my hair all the time, and I WOULD dump him if he wanted me to shave. I trim my area. IT feels so weird when I try to completely shave it. Very unnatural. So it's not a bush down there, but it's still covered. Recently, I had a guy eat me out. It was the best oral sex I'd ever received in my life! He was vigorous down there, and I was trimmed, as I always am. I'm glad to see some guys don't care and go at it to please the woman, regardless of her hair down there. Women have had hair down there since the beginning of human kind, how are guys going to tell us that it's gross and unsanitary?

  10. I'm old enough to have been shagging in the 70s when big bush was the norm. I never had a problem with my college girlfriend's hairy puss. I loved it. It would have been strange and creepy for it to be bald.

    Fast forward to now. I'm a father of four and have been with my pelvic confidant for 16 years. I would not want her to shave bald. I love the smell of her crotch and it's the hair that holds the smell. I have no interest in eating her after she has a shower or bath - it smells and tastes like nothing. Her natural smell and taste is fantastic.

    Trimming the puss a bit, and dealing with the bathing suit line is fine, but if she had a bald mons it would look too juvenile (I also think that men who like this have some kind of pedophile issue). All the posters here who talk about spitting hair are full of crap. It rarely happens. I lick my wife regularly and this is a non-issue. Mature women have hair on their cunts. It's just a fact of life. And it's there for a reason.

    We live in a society that it fixated on a level of cleanliness that is so exaggerated that we don't know how to relate to natural smells. Personally, I hate the smell of soap and perfume. If I had evolved to want to shag sperm whales, or flowers, I might like perfume. I didn't. I like the smell of females. I like the smell of my partner's skin. About 36 hours after the last shower is best. If you don't like the smell of your lover, you're with the wrong person. Pay attention to your nose. If you're not in touch with your nose, you need to be.
