Friday, November 10, 2006

The "I"s Have It (ba dum dum cha)

First, let me start off by admitting that I agreed to review blogs beginning with the letters H-L because, while I wanted to be helpful, I am also a lazy ass and I thought to myself, “Ha! How many blogs will start with the letter I?” As often is the case, my instincts were as off base as Rumsfeld’s “they’ll greet us as liberators” instinct on Iraq was. Thankfully, my mistake merely costs me time, whereas Rumsfeld’s minor error cost many people their lives and tons of dollars down the highly paid contactor’s toilet.

Anyway, the I’s are a lovely bunch of blogs. All 85 of them. Although I do have one more request to bloggers (Wednesday’s request was not to use yellow font because I have to squint to read it and it hurts, thus distracting from the blogger’s lovely writing) – please do not name your links “here.” Tell me what the fuck it is you are linking to. Is it Mary Jane's blog? The White House home page? PETA's latest press release? I am not so into surprises, people! (Nor am I the only one who feels that way, as Joan from It’s Always Something wrote about linking, “ …it's not a hidden one like the pro's do, that say look here, and here, and here, till you what to throw up, and your finger gets tired of punching in the links that take you to a web sites you don't care about.” Thank you Joan!)

That said, here’s the stats for the I blogs:

  • 31% are out of the running (If a person posted daily through Nov. 8 or Nov. 9, I gave credit. Again, too many people with lives!)

  • 53% are about random things that happen to people in the course of every day life, stories, and other things that pop into people’s minds as they blog

  • 24% are mommy/parenting blogs (two were group blogs by both parents)

  • 13% seem to be about the arts (photography, painting, etc.), writing, or crafts (knitting, sewing)

  • 5% seemed to have a food focus

  • 7% focused on other things, such as politics or exercise and dieting

And the special mentions go to:

Chicago Bonding Award: I don’t know - It has a nice template, lots of commentary about Chicago (hey, I’m a Chicagoan by birth and I can’t resist!), and cute baby pictures.

Great Writing Award: idea.s - Another interesting template (that admittedly confused the hell out of me at first, but the journal is really cool).

Funny and Irreverent Award:The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Person - This cracked me up. I love people who are irreverent, oh yes I do.

Utterly Laugh-Out-Loud Hilarious Award: I’ll get you, my witty… and your little blog, too - Yes, Abi definitely did. Seriously funny.

Insight Everyone Must Read Award: Indecisive Peach, particularly for the brilliant garage sale tips.

Snarky Award: Innocent Bystander - Great writing when it comes to all things pop culture, an admirable skill in my mind.

Best Disgusting (non-porn) Picture(s) on the Internet: Inside Voice for the Nov. 9 bug and Nov. 1 truck full of pig carcasses. Perfect, if like me, you love this kind of stuff. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)

All-Around Thoughtful Award: The Insider

Best Random Theme: Irrelephant manages to stick to the theme admirably.

OK, that does it for I. I hope that you had fun, as I certainly did, although it was quickly becoming my nemesis. Now to the J’s, which shall be joyful, of course.


  1. Hey, thanks for the shout-out! My husband is responsible for the cool graphics. Where in Chicago are you from originally?

  2. Nice Suzanne,

    I enjoyed visiting all the folks you highlighted!


  3. I was really hoping you would name this post about the I's that. Way to not disappoint.

  4. I'm from Wilmette, which technically is not Chicago, but I hate admitting I'm from Wilmette.

  5. If I could count Evanston, you can count Wilmette. Close enough.

    Glad you were thoroughly disgusted by my photos!

  6. Wow, totally tickled that I was an honorable mention; glad you liked it!

  7. I feel so famous! Thanks for the special mention of my blog, and thanks for doing all this legwork (since I'm too lazy to do so, but have been enjoying the fruits of your effort). Come back again sometime!

  8. Sweet! Thanks so much for the Award :) I wondered if anyone actually ever read my little corner of the internet!

  9. Hey there! Thanks for the props, Suzanne! Sorry I didn't pop by sooner to see it.

    Cuz I loves me some props.

    And I'll be sure to check out some of your other highlights, too.


  10. Aw I didn't get a mention unless you count me in to the
    "53% are about random things that happen to people in the course of every day life, stories, and other things that pop into people’s minds as they blog"
    "24% are mommy/parenting blogs (two were group blogs by both parents)" categories, I kind of fit in between.

    Thanks for the run down on the participants, it will take me a while to read all of your highlights - damn this rendomiser thing is good, opening up whole new worlds to me, including yours.
