Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I Hate Stupid Assholes

My sister told me that a parent who sends her 3 year old son to the local preschool threatened to pull him out because her husband saw him playing with Barbies when he picked the kid up at the end of the day. She insisted that her son would be gay as a result, and that it is the job of the staff to make sure that these things don’t happen.


Speaking of stupid assholes, people in the modeling industry generally fall into this category. How fitting, then, that Theo has a new modeling photo posted. Not that he is a stupid asshole at all. (You may need to click on the November 2006 archives to take a gander at his splendor. Blogger is acting up again.)


  1. I play with my Barbie. Barbie-Q-Grill that is... Daddy warned Mama it would might come to this.

  2. I just read a long article in the New Yorker about Barbie vs. Bratz. It did not mention the probability of turning gay.

  3. That sounds like my bil who won't let his son wear pink.

    What about playing with Ken? Is that okay? I might actually be more concerned with gayness if my son chose Ken over Barbie...(kidding, of course).

  4. My son's favorite toy is a doll. He'll hold his doll while his plays with his car and trains. He also really likes playing with Barbie at the Y childwatch. He likes her shoes. My husband was also fascinated with the shoes on action figures and dolls when he was younger. I have to say that I would much rather he play with Barbie (yes I know she's horrible for girls' self-image etc.) than with a violent action figure. Oh, god! do you think my husband's gay?

  5. I CANNOT believe that that mentality still exists. How fucking unbelievable.

  6. It's funny how twelve inches of plastic can scare a grown man...

  7. So wait, does that mean girls who play with Barbies don't grow up to be lesbians? What are the rules here?

  8. "My preschool made me a gay son."

    "If I give it the wool..."

    ech anyway.

    yeah, sadly enough, that shit is rampant, still. several times in the bookstore, parent and tot:

    "No. That's for girls. Read this instead" despite kid's obvious unhappiness and wanting the other book.

    or: woman wanting to buy present for nephew, decides against Olivia Saves the Circus because dog forbid it's got a GIRL protagonist. clearly BOYS can't EVER identify with GIRLS, it'll make all the muscles go out of their wrists and then they'll never be able to play football or beat the crap out of their wives or the designated sissy.
