Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The L Words

WhileI read over 300 blogs in four days for my duties (snort) as a volunteer NaBloPoMo blog reader. In the course of reading these blogs, several people have questioned the volunteers’ qualifications as reviewers. Rest assured, bloggers with blogs beginning with H-L - here are my qualifications: 1. I can read; 2. I had a lot of free time on my hands to read over the past few days; 3. I volunteered to do so; 4. I am a dedicated blogger. I believe that this makes me as qualified as you to review blogs and opine about them. I always read several posts at each blog. If you disagree, that’s cool. You should review blogs as well. There is nothing stopping you from doing so. (I am not being facetious about this.) If you disagree with my reviews, I welcome your comments.

Anyway, this brings me to the last 106 blogs that I read. They all begin with L. There were too many blogs for me to properly count who was not posting every day. Sorry about that, but my eyes and brain hurt when I tried to do this. I still categorized the blogs, though:

  • 60% are about random things that happen to people in the course of every day life, stories, and other things that pop into people’s minds as they blog

  • 34% are mommy/parenting blogs (one was a group blogs by both parents)

  • 9% seem to be about the arts (photography, painting, etc.), writing, or crafts (knitting, sewing)

  • 5% focused on religion

  • 4% seemed to have a food focus

  • 9% focused on other things, such as politics or exercise and dieting

  • For a variety of reasons (funny, thoughtful, clever, snarky, and/or well written, etc.), I really liked La Dee Flippin’ Da, Laid-Off Dad, Lately Bothered, Leila Loves Television, Letter B, Life and Times (a special shout out), and Losing True.

    In particular, I found:

  • best random reference to the Princess Bride ever: Letters, Postcards, Notes from the Fringe

  • best description of Canada through pizza: Life in the Candian Desert

  • most hilarious post about a Saturday evening: life of mom

  • most worried about posting about her menstrual cycle, which is a perfectly good thing to write about: Life, the Universe, and Everything

  • most clever blog device: LizLetters

  • nicest layout: Lucky Starz

  • best blind date saga I read since the J blogs: Life in the ‘shwa

  • Something I noticed over the course my blog reviewing is that many liberals and/or Democrats are affiliated with NaBloPoMo. I did not read one blog that griped about the Democratic takeover of Congress. I read many blogs hating on Bush. This is something I enjoyed mightily. It also may explain why so many people have been willing to read reviews of blogs on a site that claims to be about not waxing one’s box, although, like every blog, it is so much more.

    That wraps up my blog reviewing for NaBloPoMo. Thanks for sticking with me for this fun opportunity. I’m sure I’ll be reading many of your blogs over the long haul!


    1. If someone gives you poop about your reviewer qualifications, give their blog a bad review. Simple as that. Nobody listens to someone who's blog got a bad review.

    2. I think the trouble with my blog it has no focus. I might be crying a sad event in one, and being a clown in the next.. and dabble in genealogy the next one. Its no wonder my attendance numbers are so low.

    3. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed my blog! Also, your blog's title might be my new Favorite Thing of Anything.

    4. No complaints here, you are the best flippin reviewer EVER! Okay, so now I'm biased. *giggle* Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and commenting. I really appreciate it and it makes the experience all the more worth while, besides the free stuff, ya know.

    5. What Leila and Jessica said (esp. about the title of your blog - righteous!). Thanks for the nod.

    6. I guess the less than 1% about horses didn't count! :)

      Love your reviews! Keep up the good work.

    7. Was just nosing around in Technorati and spotted that you had mentioned my blog (LifeAndTimes) - just wanted to say thankyou :)
