Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Paid (Slightly Under) $6 for This?!?!?

About a year ago, I bought a four pack of Hanes women's cotton hipsters. The patterns on two of the four are hideous, and the other two are bright neon, but they fit great, even if the cotton is a bit on the flimsy side. A few weeks ago, I was at Target and decided to invest $5.79 or so into another four pack.

I could not obtain good photo evidence, but you will have to trust me that Hanes seems to believe that both of these pairs of women's cotton hipster underwear are a size 6.An observant individual might notice that the older pair (with the hideous color pattern) fits very well within the new pair (with the hideous black and white pattern), with much room to spare. I wore a pair yesterday anyway, and I needed to tuck the butt in to fit into my jeans. (Theo models both pairs at Theo is America's Next Top Model.)

If someone can explain to me how these are the same size, I would be grateful.


  1. I have that problem with shoes. Sometimes I'm an 8, then I'm a 6. You just have to buy more underwear like I buy more shoes.

  2. Just thought I'd say hi as I'm trying to visit and comment on as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can. :)

    I don't know anything exact about this kind of thing, but it could be that the washing-and-drying cycles have caused the older pair to shrink just that little bit...

  3. I too have had problems with panty sizing. I headed to Kmart on Astor Place to buy some panties to complete my Mermaid Parade costume. Problem is I had no idea how panties are sized. I naturally walked right over to an employee in the underwear section and told her I had a "friend, approximately my size, who I was buying panties for" and asked for a recommendation on size. She rolled her eyes and obviously thought I was some sort of pervert. She told me to put down the size 10 panties I had picked up and handed me size 6 or 8 (I can't remember) and I was off! Coincidently, I had a few extra panties that I kept with me. I left them in my suitcase accidentally and they slipped out when moving into a sublet. My 40 something homosexual roomate was like, "hmm, Oliver". I explained it was for a costume. He thought I was full of shit (but probably hoping otherwise).
