Monday, November 13, 2006

L is for...

It is almost 2:30 am. In performing my final reviewer duties (heh heh - I said doody; OK, this joke works much better verbally, but whatever)for NaBloPoMo, I read 34 of the 107 blogs that begin with the letter L thus far. Now I must sleep.

However, before I get some shut eye, I want to point out to L-related things. First, two guys in my magazine pitch class told me that they initially thought I was a lesbian because I am so outspoken. (Clearly they missed my prior post on my cock eating habits.) I suspect it is really because of my short hair. After all, the first time the Sauce (my friend since I was 9 years old), practically the first thing out of her mouth was, "You look butch." Lesbian or not, I am certainly loud and proud.

In other L news that amuses me to no end, someone in Dubai did a google search on the term i need some lingerie that shows my vagina. It seems that CUSS could not deliver the goods, as the seeker of such an item spent about a second here. On the other hand, I made a strange lingerie discovery when I tried to wear a new pair of Hanes cotton hipster undies today. Photographic questionnaire to follow later because I need help understanding what went wrong. (Fortunately, not a photo of me in said undies, although such a photo would possibly bring on fits of laughter, andother fine word brought to you by the letter L.) Ooooh, a cliff-hanger!

Remember when I promised a long time ago not to post things while I was tired because the things I find amusing when I am falling asleep are not so hilarious in the harsh light of day? I should adhere to that now, although "i need some lingerie that shows my vagina" is damn funny no matter what time of day I read the phrase.


  1. Found you via Red hair has been super-short until the last 3 or 4 months because 1) I like it that way and 2) Much easier to manage when wearing a bike helmet.

    Everyone in the entire country where I reside thinks I'm a lesbian. I'm pretty sure they continue thinking this after I introduce them to my husband. Being outspoken probably doesn't help me, either. ;)

  2. I am also a lesbian because of my short hair and outspokenness. Good for us. But I do know lesbians with long hair. They are clearly freaks.

    How hard is it to fin lingerie that shows your vagina? Hello, Frederick's of Hollywood! and many many more "below the line" lingerie retailers.

  3. Another boy-liking-lesbian here. My hair gets nappy when it's long. I have to use detanglers. Fuck that.
