Friday, November 10, 2006

'K, We are Done with that Category

Do I have nothing better in my life right now that I revel in catching someone who has missed a day blogging, and is no longer eligible for a prize from NaBloPoMO? I think the answer is obvious, given that I reviewed 195 blogs in the past three days, so please, spare me your comments.

A whopping 25% of the blogs that begin with K are about knitting. I know nothing about knitting except that I suspect that I would like it and should learn one day. My friend is always knitting cute things. But I digress… I feel like I should have subcontracted the knitting blogs to someone who has expertise in the area. Sorry about that.

That said, here’s the stats for the K blogs:

  • 35% are out of the running (If a person posted daily through Nov. 9, I gave credit. Again, too many people with lives!)

  • 41% are about random things that happen to people in the course of every day life, stories, and other things that pop into people’s minds as they blog

  • 10% are mommy/parenting blogs (this is very low compared with other letters)

  • 40% seem to be about the arts (photography, painting, etc.), writing, or crafts (knitting, sewing)

  • 2% seemed to have a food focus

  • 10% focused on other things, such as politics or exercise and dieting

(These add up to more than 100% since blogs often cover more than one topic.)

All the blogs were of course wonderful (and many reminded me that I could be a bit more crafty if I spent less time on the computer), but the ones that really stood out to me were, in alpha order because it is getting late and I want to finish this before Husband gets home so we can have a nice evening together:

Kaleidoscopic Eclat - Damn, I love the inspirational story about the girl who played basketball, and the accompanying picture was the three point throw on the buzzer that won the game for me. Delicious. Plus the URL has “gonfalon” in it, and no one uses that word enough these days.

Karen Road Chronicles - Who can’t relate to her tales of sticking it to the Man when the Man tries to stick it to her? OK, the language may be a bit graphic for some, but I felt it was perfect and in fact often describe those situations that way. Funny stuff.

Kari’s Couch - I admit to a smidgen of bias here because Kari once did a hilarious blog exchange with my friend Alex, but the fish lusting after the alcohol earns a nod alone, not to mention the caption claims that the Cat took the picture. - I have never seen a blog laid out like this. I’m not even sure how I feel about it, but it is really different. I’m just saying.

Katie + Blog = Fun? - So I threw my Chicago bias out there earlier, but this one has no exciting city pictures. It does, however, mention that one of her friend’s hates the word “panties.” I loathe that word as well. What are the odds? Plus there’s a report on an exciting bra shopping expedition that reminded me of the “good” old days, before I had breast reduction surgery. Rockin’!

KidKate - Any blog that has a really good fart story is a winner in my book. In addition, she has a lovely shower. Also, Kathryn reminds me of a dear friend of mine who also moved from NYC to London recently. Maybe they will meet some day.

Kinuk - Fascinating stories that are well written about her travels and time in Poland.

Knock Knox - A blunt, funny woman who tells it like it is. One line, “Only when I am picking my nose, picking my ass, smelling my daughter’s butt to check her diaper, burping or falling down does anyone look at me.” Need I say more? I thought not.

I am glad that I was able to cover H,I,J, and K this week. Unfortuantely, I won’t be able to invest the proper time to investigate 107 blogs that begin with the letter “L” until Monday. I like to pretend that I have a life when the weekend hits. Given the enormous task ahead, I suspect I won’t finish it until Tuesday, but I’ll try my best. No more promises.

In the meantime, if you think I’m full of shit, I don’t necessarily disagree. Feel free to use the comments to nominate yourself or other blogs and let us know why. Also, if you are a hardcore blogger who switched to blogger beta, let me know what you think. I finally got an invite and am debating about whether to take the plunge.


  1. should get a mention. Of course I would plug my own blog, but I'm well aware of it's boringness level!

  2. i gotta give you props for reviewing all those blogs. I love reading them, but I think I would be completely insane to actually keep statistics, so you get a thumbs up!

    Please don't consider this sucking up for the L's (unless you are into that sort of thing). :)

  3. Wow! Ya mentioned me! Thanks!

    and ain't Gonfalon the COOLEST WORD EVER? I love to just say it many different ways. My kids wish I would stop. Hahahaha!

    And glad you enjoyed my story about me - er, 'the girl' and my geeky high school pictures. *grins*

    Wow. Someone liked me. kinda makes me rethink the zip picking post today. hahahah! not. *g*

  4. You're such a trooper. Go suzanne!

    ps - 2 things I've mentioned before. Blogger Beta is cool. I'm for it. And I'm always plugging my own blog.

  5. Thanks for the shout out. Actually, "The Cat" is my son, so I wasn't completely jesting when I said the Cat took the picture of the Fish. :)

    Thank you for dropping by!

  6. Hehehe, :) I hit all your links. I loved your breast reduction story. I use blogger beta and it was a smooth easy transition for me. But I also made my blog fresh with blogger beta. I didn't worry about any old content. I like the ability to use tags and page elements.

  7. Thanks for the shout out! I feel so special, I wish I hadn't eaten that victory cake. The whole thing.

  8. "panties"... shudder.

  9. Hey there. Thanks for the plug. I (not so) secretly share your delight in finding the NaBloPoMo participants who have missed posts. But I still intend to pretend like I'm way too busy being painfully cool to have time to do something like keep track of others' miserable failures.

  10. What a monumental task you've been doing! I mean, I've been checking out the blog with the Pink Elephant Randomiser, but visiting all the I, J, K blogs? That's heavy.

    Many thanks for checking mine out, though, and I am glad you enjoyed it.

    One thing's for sure: I've increased the number of blogs whose feeds I subscribe to since NaBloPoMo has started. So much good stuff out there!

  11. Hey, thanks for the shout-out, though I fear I will forever be known as the girl who writes about farting (or, er, the inability to fart)! I'd love to know more about your friend who moved to London recently--does he/she have a blog?

  12. You didn't include Knotty Yarn!
