Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Dirtiest Word in English?

If there is one word I hate, it is the word panties. According to Slang and Euphemism: A Dictionary of Oaths, Curses, Insults, Ethnic Slurs, Sexual Slang and Metaphor, Drug Talk, College Lingo, and Related Matters by Richard A Spears, “panties” is listed as thus:

panties (also panteys) women’s or children’s underpants [colloquial, 1800s-pres.]

What annoys me so much about the word is that once again, women and children share the same category, which in my mind infantilizes women. You never see men and children sharing the same name for something, unless it is something that everyone uses, like sweater or pants.

Also the word is just creepy. It has always bothered me and makes me think of some lecherous older relative. I much prefer underwear, undies, or even, as my friend Steph likes to say, drawers. “Drawers” is defined in Slang and Euphemism as “underpants for males or females. In their earliest form, long hose worn next to the skin. [since the mid 1500s].” Yes, drawers is a very equal term. I like it.


  1. I was just yelling at my cats this morning because they like to run off with my chonies as I take a shower. I am not sure what they do with my dirty undies, but I don't think I want to know...

  2. Perhaps they are selling your undies on eBay. It seems there is quite a market for worn women's undies. Do your cats seem to have a bit of extra cash?

  3. In Japan, theft of worn women's undies from laudromats is so common that there are special undie laundry services that keep your drawers under lock and key. I don't know if they are sold or if the theives have their own private collection. Probably information I would rather not know. :-)

    As a former nanny who has had to grudgingly use the word "panties" with my charges (all the little girls I would nanny for would wrinkle their noses at the word "underwear" - sigh), I too find the usage for grown women disturbing. I can't decide if it's my least favorite word, but it's my least favorite word to have to say outloud. Bleh!
