There are many reasons that the Disney version kicks the asses of all the other Robin Hood flicks. First, movies with nutty animals getting poked repeatedly in the butts with sharp objects are funny as fuck, especially when said animals are rhinoceroses. Second, it uses the term “ooh-de-lally” frequently. Just saying “ooh-de-lally” cheers me up immensely. Third, it has some wonderful little insults that would be great fun to hurl at people without senses of humor, such as:
- “You eel in snake’s clothing!” (Prince John the lion yelled this at his snake advisor Sir Hiss after one of their dastardly plans went wrong.)
- “Old bushel britches.” (Lady Cluck, Maid Marian’s chicken lady in waiting refers to the Sheriff of Nottingham, a wolf, this way. Big John the bear also uses it for the Sherrif. I have no idea what it means, but I like it.)
- “Scalveneer.” (Another Lady Cluck slur. Not only do I have no idea what it means, but I also am clueless on how to spell it. Maybe it is French?)
There are also two fantastic songs, one featuring the phrase “oo-de-lally,” and one a highly political song that is very applicable today. (More on that later.) I highly recommend a viewing to lift the spirits.
I also like how they changed the first song into the catchy "Hamster Dance Song"!