Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Shocking Discovery: Pregnant Women Have Pubic Hair!

I was talking to my friend who is pregnant for the second time. One of the moms in her expecting mother’s support group was telling my friend that she was upset because she usually waxes her own bikini line. As her pregnancy progresses, she is having a harder and harder time reaching down there to wax, and realizes that soon she won’t be able to do so at all. My friend was a little puzzled. “So who cares?” my friend asked her. “Even if you want to go swimming, your stomach will cover the bikini line and no one can see if there are pubes sticking out or not anyway. I swim all the time at the Y and I don't bother shaving.” The other woman was horrified. “No, the problem is that I can’t imagine going to the doctor without waxing the area first.”

OK, OB-GYNs, of all people, should know that women have pubic hair. They should be very used to seeing women, especially pregnant woman, with giant bushes. If you are pregnant and your OB-GYN is surprised to see that you have pubic hair, you should immediately find a new doctor who understands human physiology.

At any rate, pubic hair growth should be the last concern a woman has about body changes that happen during pregnancy. There's discomfort from weight gain and the increasing likelihood of pissing yourself unintentionally, as the baby may be pressing against the bladder. “Morning sickness” is a misnomer - many women are puking all day, not just in the morning. During birth, all kinds of messy fluids will pour out of your vagina. That area between the vagina and anus may get cut open or ripped to make way for the baby’s head. In a c-section, the uterus is temporarily removed from the body. Forget the unregulated growth of pubic hair - these are the things that disturb me when I think about pregnancy.


  1. Oh thanks. I just had lunch and now, because of your graphic description of the human anatomy...I'm not feeling so well...

    Freud would have a ball with your vagina obsession. I've decided that you say mean things about other bloggers and people in general to attract new readers.

  3. Senator, why do you read something that obviously holds no pleasure for you then make mean comments anonymously? I can't figure it out, but I'm sure Freud would have an opinion.

  4. Ah, let me explain my reasons. Suzanne was doing the EXACT SAME THING to someone else. You're right: It's very rude and immature. That's my point! Two wrongs don't make a right (gotta love the cliche), but you can call me Robin Hood. I can't stand to see someone get picked on the way Suzanne was doing it. She called Brooke a racist *(^*&* and all kinds of horrible names. I'm not going to stoop that low; I just wanted to "bend" a little. And about my comment to you, I'm a stickler for grammar, so I had to respond to your correction of me. It just goes to show that when you point someone else's grammar out and then call them stupid, you'd better read over what you wrote to make sure you didn't screw up.
    Love to y'all!

  5. Trolls are cute. By the way, stickler, it's amazing that you had the same "typo" three times. And incidentally, to anyone else who wonders how I seem to know the INSTANT the senator posts a reply to me, it's because she's posting on MY blog to make sure I see it. I love attention, too, but I have folks at home for that.

  6. My plan was to ignore Sen. Bill Frist from now on, but I feel it is only fair to point out a few things out:
    1. Yes, I used to post on someone else's blog. While I was not always polite, I did post a few nice comments because I thought some of the stuff was good. Anonymous has a very select memory.
    2. I hadn't posted anything on that blog in a long time, so that is obviously not what is driving this. Even if I had, I'm not sure I understand why a blogger would expect only her fans/sycophants to post things. Blogs are democratic, and people seize the medium eagerly. (I can guarantee I am not the only person who didn't like what I read or the comments option would not have been removed.)
    3. Anonymous also seems to be posting nasty messages on anyone's blog who has made any negative comments regarding "The Dinner Whore" article in the Post. You know, when you say in a newspaper that you've proudly had $30,000 in free meals by scamming guys and then tell others how to do it, I don't understand why you would think that no one would react negatively to that. No one forced the people interviewed in the article to do it. Now live with the consequences!
    4. I actually find these little slams funny. People like Anonymous need to be mocked. I appreciate the fodder I am being given.

    Thanks to those of you who have defended my honor, though.

  7. In response to Anonymous's latest comment, at least Suzanne was posting on Brooke's blog under her name, not anonymously like a coward hiding behind her mean comments.

  8. Well, enjoy the fact that you've gotten a whopping 9 posts on this blog -- though 4 are from me, and 1, from you. As I see from the lack of comments after your other posts, it'll never happen again! Glad I could get some decent conversation going.

  9. Why I just told Claire the other day that the only thing worse than a hairy pregnant thing down in the you-know-where if you know what I mean is having a good-for-nothing child pop out of it.

  10. Someone once told me that anonymous is French for "dumb cunt". Tell me "anonymous", does your lack of an opposable thumb with which to hit the space bar slow down your typing?
