Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's Nice to Know that People Care

Earlier today, I received the following insightful comment from “Anonymous:”

On another note, I read your description of yourself: a do-gooder whom loathes people. Sounds like you may benefit from some medication. I'm not being ugly, either. I have a bipolar father whom has benefited greatly from Prozac. You really need to lift that dark cloud that's enveloped you.

At first, I thought it was really funny. Then I became very excited because it dawned on me that only one person could write something like this, and that person is none other than Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN), MD!

Sen. Frist is not only the United States Senate Majority Leader, but he is also a respected heart and lung surgeon. You may recall a tiny incident last year when he made a speech on the Senate floor and said that, based on his review of a video, Terri Schiavo was not in a persistive vegetative state. He made this diagnosis after he "spent an hour or so looking at” the tape the prior night in his DC office.

Clearly, Sen. Frist spent a few minutes on my blog and decided that I must be bipolar because I am a misanthropic humanist. Goodness! You’d think he might want an expert in psychiatry to at least talk to me a bit before coming up with a doosey like that! In fact, a professional (or even average person on the street) might note that it is perfectly human to have conflicting emotions about things. Someone who really has a father who is bipolar (unlike Sen. Frist) might also note that bipolar disorder is a disease marked by periods of extreme mania and depression, not little internal conflicts about life. A person who really had a parent with bipolar disease would also know that Prozac is not really an ideal treatment for many bipolar individuals, as it is intended to treat only depression, and may cause a rapid swing into a manic state. My guess is that a person with a parent with bipolar disorder would not take it so lightly, as the effects of the illness are often devastating.

Anyway, I am glad that an important public figure like Sen. Bill Frist would take a few minutes out of his busy schedule of things he can do to destroy everything that is good about the US to try and help me. If only everyone had someone in their life who cared so much, the world would be a better place today. Brings a fuckin' tear to my eye, I tell ya.


  1. This bitch...WTF?! Ugh...dont you just hate authority figures who go around and automatically label us? I say, you go all crazy on his ass, mess him up (but just a lil' bit) and then blame it on your disorder.

  2. No, you're right, that was good of the senator. I should write him, though, and explain the whole who vs. whom issue. In the nominative case, you use "who." Poor ignorant bastard.

    P.S. I'm sorry, I'm NEVER the grammar police until someone's an ignorant asshole. Then it's just fun.

  3. Greetings, count mockula. This is anonymous again. I had to write you because of the typo I made. Yes, I do know the difference, but I was typing quickly and didn't scan it over as I should have. You may want to look up "comma splice." It's one of the most egregious grammatical errors that exists. Never separate two complete sentences with a comma: Use a semicolon. For example, you should have written "No, you're right; that was good of the senator."
    How fun it is.

  4. Thank you, senator. You're right of course. Mea culpa. The comma splice is one of my worst writing habits. I was just engaging in a little pointless snarkery. Now I quit. Sorry, Suzanne, I didn't want to turn this into Craigslist or anything.

  5. Hey Count, you can do anything you want here. (It seems pretty much that anyone can, doesn't it? Sigh.) I think you are great. Ooops - I said something nice about someone. Some people didn't think I had it in me... Some people are just stupid, but what can you do? It's a crazy fuckin' world out there, and everyone's entitled to her opinion.

  6. Actually, just for the record, I'd like to point out that I found your blog because of some (gasp!) nice comments you made over on my friend Gynagirl's blog. Turns out you're not the devil! Wierd.
