Friday, September 8, 2006

The Bad Influence

My cousin slept over on Wednesday night and lured me into watching four episodes of with her. (OK, the luring part was not hard. She happened to notice that Degrassi was on TV, and I said, “Wow, I should go to bed, because I know if I watch one episode, I will watch more.” Then I did not get off the couch for two more hours.) This all would have been fine except that the first episode was on at midnight. It hurt to get up in the morning. Oh yes it did. (OK, it also hurt to get up this morning, but that is another story.)

Anyway, when I was in junior high, I was a huge fan of Degrassi Junior High (I did love me some Joey Jeremiah!), and I heard that the new series was even more intense. I was very intrigued to see how it played out. Fortunately, Rebecca was able to guide me through all the characters’ back stories as each appeared onscreen. is a soapy, bed-hopping drama, but it is so blown out of the water by Degrassi. All the kids are dating interchangeably (realistic), so there’s lots of hormone-soaked tension. Each kid also seems to have some sort of baggage. There’s the cutter with the alcoholic mom, the gay kid with a conservative Italian immigrant dad, the girl who was raped, the chick with gonorrhea, the student who lives on his own, the girl who was knocked up and had an abortion, the girl who was knocked up and gave the baby up for adoption, the anorexic, the battered teens (batterers: boyfriend, parent), etc. It was quite the show case for drama.

Rebecca and I are excited that my apartment now has digital cable, as I will be able to DVR all the new episodes and we can gorge ourselves. But not on a weeknight…


  1. We were not aware of Grey's anatomy on how good it is until the past few weeks. We rarely stray off NBC - but did and have been watching the re-runs, although I think their reruns are not in correct sequence which is confusing us on, but we are picking up generally the story line. I think it beats ER.

  2. Another DeHRassi fan !! I have been jonesing since we moved to Florida, as we do not have the N down here. i have to wait for the DVD's to come out. i found the original when i was in college, and loved both Junior High and High, and I love how they tied them together with Spike and Emma...Wow, I'm gushing like a schoolgirl. Anyway, i dig your blog.

  3. Not to get political, but did you know there was an abortion episode of Degrassi High: the Next Generation? Will it come as a surprise to anyone to know that of all the countries Degrassi is shown in, including places like Iran, only the United States cut the episode? Ah, America. That said, I wish I could watch a few episodes to re-live the good old days when I was a Degrassi junkie . . . .

  4. I'm starting to (somewhat) get into Grey's Anatomy, but Joey! Ah... what a hotie (he could sell me a car anytime!). I used to imagine what he'd look like, wearing nothing but his fedora.

  5. Nerd.
    Just kidding.
    There's a Skankin' Pickle song called "I'm in love With a Girl Named Spike."
